· Mariah Carey, lunching this afternoon at Cafeteria on Seventh avenue between 17th and 18th. Her look: big cleavage, bigger hair. Her table-mate: a pinched looking older woman of the Anna Wintour variety (aunt? "handler"? psychotherapist? personal shopper?).
· Seen outside [the westbeth cafe] tonight, surrounded by a large group, Famke Janssen, sporting some funky dreads. seen inside dining together tonight: James Van Der Beek, his soon to be mrs. van der beek, Heather McComb, and his tv mom Mary-Margaret Humes. Also seen outside the westbank this afternoon: Julianna Margulies hopping on her bike, no helmet, hair in a ballcap, trying to balance her latte on her handlebars.
· Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal attended Tuesday evening's performance of Long Day's Journey Into Night. They're both impossibly cute and seemed friendly, signing autographs for those who asked. My friend also spotted Anne Hathaway milling around before the performance.