· Martha Stewart's brother on her potential jail time: "Jail will be good for her, because it will humble her...It will mellow her and instill in her a more sincere, heartfelt experience towards others." Jealous much? [NY Daily News]
· From the Chic Happens boys: "Madonna, who announced earlier this week she will be appearing in ads for the Gap, has signed on as the spokesperson for discount chain Strawberry. A mouthpiece would not confirm rumors that the Immaterial Girl would also be making an appearance at the Manhattan opening of Red Lobster." [Chic Happens]
· Marc Jacobs on a party at Slide: "I wasn't going to drink, I wasn't looking for drugs, I didn't want to pick up the stripper...To see people sitting there drinking, to see someone I used to buy drugs rom at the bar, and then not be able to smoke - I thought, what the hell am I doing here?" [Page Six]
· Preview of Tina Brown's talk show tonight: "Nora [Ephron] says Hillary [Clinton] on TV 'was like one of those Dr. Seuss books, 125 words or less, over and over again. You just want to say 'Come on, there's a person in there!' Whoopi [Goldberg] says in words too explicit to repeat that Hillary irritated (she didn't say 'irritated') the wrong people and they are biting her in the rear (she didn't say "rear.')" [Liz Smith]