Also from Bazima, a bit of literary gossip: "At the outdoor food court near City Hall where I get my morning plug-in, [Everything Is Illuminated author] Jonathan Safran Foer was on his cell phone and freaking out over having to wait for his order. 'Bagel-toasted-melted-muenster? I'm still waiting?' he called out over my shoulder to the Mexicans at the grill. They assured him it was coming and looked at him like he was insane. 'Yeah. It's coming,' the novelist hissed into his cell phone. "Meanwhile, they've taken three other people's orders. I have to be on the air in twenty minutes, mmm'kay?'" A reader adds, in the comments: "Jonathan Safran Foer is fucking vile. I sat near him at a reading once. He was reading after 3 other people. During their readings, he kept whispering to the mortified guy next to him, 'Make it end! Make it stop!' about the other readers. He would be TERRIBLE in bed, it's so obvious."
Signs of summer [Bazima]