· Demi Moore took Ashton Kutcher to a school event for her kids. No word on whether this was considered, in UES soccer mom parlance, a "play date." [NY Daily News]
· A socialite named "Muffie" plays punk rocker. [Ed.I know that's not really big news, but no matter how many times I see her name, I can't get over the fact that there actually is an Upper East Side socialite named "Muffie."] [Page Six]
· Assemblyman Daniel Hooker was shouted down in the state legislature by Rosie O'Donnell's gay brother Daniel after arguing against a bill that would ban harassment of gay students on the basis that "children need to get a consistent message that homosexuality is not ok." [Page Six]
· Miramax chief Harvey Weinstein is writing an autobiography. Note to the horrified reading public: Don't worry; by "writing," we mean "paying for someone else to write." [Ed.suggested title: People I've Eaten.] [Page Six]
· Hugh Grant on the Hamptons: "I visit the Hamptons occasionally because my brother has a house there. But I find American WASPiness more terrifying than British snobbery." [Cindy Adams]