The weekend's celebrity sightings...
· Sunday 6/8: 2:00 pm: Paul Rudd, in full hipster regalia: trucker hat [!], denim jacket, t-shirt, jeans, and scruffy facial hair, with similarly-clad friend, strolling up 6th Avenue around 15th street.
· Thom Yorke of Radiohead, between concerts, at the Apple store in SoHo on Friday afternoon.
· Stroke Albert Hammond, Jr., at — where else — Pianos for Sunday night's "Tinkle," hanging out with host David Cross before the show, wearing a honkey afro and nothing else worth mention. Minus the Strokes connection — he's got the looks of an extra in Rocky I at best.
· Laurence Fishburne, with posse, at Florent in the Meatpacking at 3am on Saturday morning. Looking short and chunky.
· Friday 6/6, 8:40 pm: Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart strolling hand-in-hand down 8th ave. between 18th and 19th Street.
· Sunday 6/8, 12:40 pm: Julianna Margulies—applying lip
gloss and wearing a white raincoat—walking on Bleecker Street near Abingdon Square. She then ducked into Miracle Grill.
· Spotted Ed Norton and two buddies (no Salma, unfortunately) on Saturday at the 2:30 showing of Finding Nemo at the Union Square theater. They got there late, saw that it was packed, and walked out.