Minneapolis columnist James Lileks, having followed a link yesterday to DonnaBarnes.com, discovers a page about a film in which Ms. Barnes once appeared titled, Flies on Cupid. (Donna Barnes is better known as the lead in To Live and Date in New York.) Flies on Cupid is described as "Pulp Fiction meets Something About Mary" and is currently looking for distribution. Lileks' analysis: "Someday I want a pitch a movie and say 'it's Tora Tora Tora meets Double Indemnity' just to see if the person receiving the pitch scowls and barks 'get oudda here and stop wasting my time.' At this point in human history any artistic conception that includes the word 'meets' is just admitting it has no new ideas, but is simply smushing together two differently colored was of Play-Doh. The small picture of the poster for 'Flies on Cupid' seems to feature George Michaels passing a corkscrew through his intestine."
Friday, 11:37 AM [Lileks.com]