From Craig's List: "So I'm the guy that posted a few days ago that I'd trade 2 Radiohead tix at the Beacon for a 4 bedroom brownstone in Brooklyn. It was a joke. I had seen so many scalping posts and so many outlandish emails with such crazy offers that I gratuitously posted this just for fun. Well, much to my suprise I got several responses."

"At first I got some crank emails that were sent just to jab at me for being such a stickler. I also received a few mails from several folks who do not possess a sense of humotr and were really mad at me for daring to enter a joke into the craigslist arena. A day passed and then one mail seemed serious so I followed up. I got an email from a guiy looking to trade his house in Brooklyn ( in Park Slope no less! ) for 2 tix to the Beacon. He described the house, his mortgage, the conditions, the neighborhood, his bank etc etc. We started writing and today we met up. I couldn't believe it! Its a nice 3 story, 4 bedroom -house- on 6th Avenue in Park Slope. It has a garden, in pretty good shape. Could use some masonry work and some interior touch ups but all in all, a great deal. He's moving to Atlanta and is a wealthy eccentric, decided to hand over the house ( and mortgage and other costs ) to me in exchange for 2 Radiohead tix at the Beacon.

I'm still amazed at this point, thinking the guy is pulling some kind of a dadaist prank on me, until his attorney and banker show up! In 2-3 hours we spoke over the deal. Tomorrow we draw up some papers and hopefully within a week, the house is mine."
A really strange Radiohead tix story [Craig's List]