For today's edition of QAASUI, we have two pressing questions:
1. Re: It's Only News if it Happens on W. 43rd St. I'm the guy with the bird, sharing the front page with Eric Rudolph. Does anyone else remember that Spy Magazine article that included a formula that allowed one to accurately calculate the exact number of column inches a Times story would get, depending on how close the it occured to: A) W. 43rd St; B) The Managing Editor's Upper E. Side Co-op; C) Downtown Jerusalem. ??
Answer: "Yes, I remember that SPY story - though, as I recall, it dealt with the number of people who had to die to make the front page - the likelihood of which diminished depending on the number of dead and the distance from W. 43rd St. - unless they died in Jerusalem. The result was that 3 dead in, say, Hicksville had less chance than 2 dead in Jerusalem."
2. Re: Question About Amy Sohn - Is the chick from NY Mag any hot? My friends are coaxing me to go to this obviously gay thing in a couple weeks because Amy Sohn will be there, and they say she is hot. I'm to cheap to spring the $25. I can't find a pic on the net. A simple 1-10 score might do .... Alex K, the former NYT Style&Fasion Ed was about a 7, Carmen Electra, fakeness and all, is a 10. Or ... what celebrity does she most resemble?
Answer: Amy Sohn has a website. And a friendster page. Judge for yourself.