I'm instituting a new feature at Gawker: Questions, Answers, And Somewhat Useful Information. Send me questions you want answered and if they're appropriateor let's face it, I like themI'll post them to Gawker and other readers can send answers, which, if they're appropriateor let's face it, I like themI'll post. (I hate service journalism so I'm just going to let you do it for me.) The first question, to which I don't have the answer: "I've heard that all the women [Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor author] Rick Marin ever dated during his years as a Toxic Bachelor are getting together somewhere this week in Manhattan to toast his recent wedding. Can you publish the where-and-when details of this must-attend bash?" Anyone? Anyone? Rick?

I will also publish reader tips if they're useful, relevant, or let's face it, I like them. It helps if they make me laugh. An example tip from a reader: "your readers should be warned! If you're borderline suicidal, whatever you do, don't call the city's Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene at 720-7130. Their 'on-hold' music is some kind of schmaltzy Enya derivative that almost convinced me to off myself." Send to tips@gawker.com