· Jonathan Pillet, executive producer of Meg Ryan's new film Against the Ropes, on Ryan: "She is so rude in person; she was even rude to my kids when they met, and I am the executive producer of the film!" [Page Six]
· Daschle Sticks Foot in Mouth Again: "Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle blundered yesterday when he accidentally mixed up two black reporters who've been covering him for years." [Page Six]
· Queens Congressman Anthony Weiner on California Representative Ellen Tauscher at Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer's May 7 Comedy Night fund-raiser and did an expletive-laden New York tough-guy routine. 'I wouldn't mind having sex with Ellen Tauscher...But I'm afraid that it would be like a praying mantis deal and she'd bite my head off.' The Daily News: "One stunned guest told the Capitol Hill newspaper, Roll Call: 'It was so completely inappropriate, it was shocking.'" [NY Daily News]