· Jason Davis, the "obese" 18-year-old grandson of billionaire Marvin Davis who just went to his prom last week with Nicky Hilton in tow, has agreed to be on a WB reality show about young socialites. [NY Post]
· Alice Cooper on Celine Dion's Vegas show: "'She only took one breath! She is my favorite singer!" [Page Six]
· Comedian Larry David on his environmentalist wife, Laurie: "Thirteen years ago, I met a materialistic, narcissistic, superficial, bosomy woman from Long Island. She was the girl of my dreams." "But David recounted how Laurie began "peppering her conversation with words like 'ozone layer,' 'how she forbade him from flushing the toilet, and how, after touching a whale, she 'had her first orgasm in six years.'" [NY Daily News]