Felix Salmon's analysis of Raising Victor Vargas and class divisions on the Lower East Side: "Raising Victor Vargas is...set in what all the film reviews insist on calling the Lower East Side, although nearly all of it takes place north of Houston Street. Still, the moniker is fair: what we're seeing is Loisaida Avenue, not Avenue C. (For those of you who don't live here, they're physically the same, but conceptually very different: the former is old-school Hispanic; the latter new-school yuppie.) The big divide in this (my) neck of the woods these days is not Houston Street so much as it is disposable income: there are many poor families living on welfare and clipping supermarket coupons, as well as bars with $2,000 bottles of champagne and a new hotel which will charge up to $2,500 a night."
Raising Victor Vargas [FelixSalmon]