· Graydon-spotting: "Spotted: Graydon Carter, entering the elevator banks at 4 Times Square. As he approached the gate, he patted his pockets and said to the security guard, "I forgot my wallet." He was buzzed through. Graydon was not wearing blue jeans with his suit, nor a facial expression describing the gravity of wartime," and "Sighting of Graydon Carter: Shopping w/ wife or daughter (kinda hard to tell in these Botox days) at Tracey Feith in Soho around 4PM-ish on Sat. Face looks exactly like that in Leibovitz s photo, complete w/ the hair flip on the side (kept in place by hairspray?). Serious chicken legs!!"
· "[Friday] 3:30 p.m.: I saw Matt Dillon on the corner of 79th and Columbus with three other people, two of them the requisite tall thin blonde types. He looks much less angular in person than he does on screen (hello magical movie makeup), but just about as male model duh. I pointed
him out to the dogwalker I was talking to and she said, 'Oh god, look, someone's getting an autograph.' We both made wretching noises."
· "As I write this, 10pm Saturday May 10, Parker Posey is eating dinner with a female companion at on outdoor table at Le Singe Vert, on 7th Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets. She is wearing a silly-looking, pink woolen hat (or maybe its not wool but synthetic), but clearly is having a good evening"

· "Saw Nicole Kidman at the Mothers' Day matinee of "A Long Day's Journey Into Night". She looked gorgeous and acted totally normal (waiting on line for the ladies' room, drinking bottled water during intermission with people all around her staring at her, not hiding or being bizarre) I know normalcy doesn't make for good celebrity gossip, but there is nothing more attractive than a beautiful woman acting relaxed and normal. (a rare occurrence in my experience!)"
· "I stood next to Chris Robinson at the downstairs bar at last night s Jesse Malin show at the Bowery Ballroom. He ordered an Amstel Light and a Guiness. He paid with a $20 bill and left a $1 tip. I don't know who the other beer was for, but he didn t seem to be with anyone. Unfortunately, no sign of Kate Hudson."
· "saw michael moore today at 3:45 going to see a movie at loews on 68th and broadway. he was looking a little slimmer, had a hat on, and a much shorter haircut— no billy ray cyrus sticking out the back."
· "Saw Andrew McCarthy at 45 Bleecker, leaning on a bike and chatting up two "nobodies" - he's aged but was incredibly handsome!"
· "Do the women from Bridezilla count as spottings? If so, I saw PR girl Karen on Madison Ave this AM talking on her cell and I see "serious" Amy (the blonde from NJ) jogging on the west side path all the time. I guess she and her husband were getting recognized jogging in central park. "
· "On Thursday I was walking on 12th Street heading east toward 5th Ave when Elvis Costello and Diana Krall turned the corner arm in arm. They passed me and went into the building on the NW corner of 12th Street."
· "5/8/03 - "File this under "Yowza - he's tall". I spotted Marilyn Manson (it was pretty easy) at the Yeah Yeah Yeahs show at Irving Plaza - he was in the VIP section with his girlfriend Dita Von Teese and a big bodyguard as was photographer Mick Rock and drummer Russell Simins from the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion."
· "yesterday during lunch i spotted mike myers on line behind me at the Soup Kiosk on Mercer Street. I stuck around to watch him order Chicken Vegetable."
· "Just a quickie. Ruth Reichl @ WD-50 Thurs evening."