We've analyzed our traffic logs and it has become fairly obvious to us that most of you are reading Gawker on weekdays between the hours of 9 and 5. (Not only are we contributing to the further degeneration of the English language; we're also decreasing worker productivity one GDP point at a time.) Your editor has also had a sudden revelation about the downside of extended sleep deprivation, which tends to occur when you have to be up at a certain time to post things to your blog 7 days a week and you can't always get to bed at a reasonable time the night before. So as of next week, Gawker will cease publishing on the weekends. (Unless, of course, Paris Hilton does something really exciting and I can't help myself.) UPDATE: We'll be issuing a weekend to-do list on Friday and a weekend review on Monday, so don't worry; there will be no two-day informational void.