Us Weekly editor Bonnie Fuller has a suggestion for residents of her hometown Toronto to get them over SARS-related depression: "I think that if the city of Toronto could organize various celebrities to take part in an 'I Love Toronto' campaign, that would be great." We agree. In fact, we'd like to nominate the following celebrities to ship to SARS-infested Toronto: David Gest, Liza Minelli, Catherine Zeta Jones, The Strokes, Barbra Streisand, Melanie Griffith, Geraldo Rivera, Britney Spears, all available Osbournes, Catherine Zeta Jones, Mickey Rourke, Christina Aguilera, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta Jones, Katie Couric, Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, Lisa Marie Presley, Catherine Zeta Jones, Michael Jackson (fish; barrel), P.Diddy, Michael Moore, Catherine Zeta Jones... Alright that's enough; if we list everyone, we'll be here all day. But don't forget Catherine Zeta Jones.
Stars to save us from SARS? []