Send sightings to
· "11:30 Sunday night - so my buddy tom and i are at the corner bistro doing our sunday night ritual. (its actually a mon/wed/thurs/sunday ritual) when scott speedman sporting a beard and long hair walks in with some other guy..the two order screwdrivers and a "jack with a splash of coke" for some one is about to join them.. i overhear scott mention to his buddy that 'she' has gained some weight so, i of course, cant wait to see who this is. three minutes later, Keri Russellwalks in. all 115 lbs of her. looking phenomenal.. .what the hell was he thinking."
· "Janet Reno at O'Hare Airport, Chicago, waiting for a plane, looking better than you might image. Deals with the shakes much in the same way as Bob Dole deals with his dead hand: a pen."
· "Philip Seymour Hoffman, 1:30PM on Bleeker Street,
bearded and dirty with child in arms."

· Rash of Sam Waterston sightings: "Sam Waterston — looking very summer with white oxford and khakhis but without his Law and Order dye job — at the Chelsea Barnes & Noble on Sun 4/27 at 8pm. He was doing a surgical strike to get an unknown book and in and out of the store in five mintues. Couldn't see the book, he saw me gawking." "Around 8pm, Sam Waterson at the Whole Foods seafood counter dressed casually, but really well for Sunday night grocery shopping."
· "4-27, early afternoon at the Stella McCartney boutique on 14th Street—Kate Hudson and her second-string "rock star" husband—Kate was wearing approximately 4" heels, which she was teetering on—she did manage to stagger to their car at the curb without wiping out. I'd love to know what she bought, since I think she usually looks pretty snappy and my friend and I thought that the Stella store was full of ugly, bizarre overwrought stuff. The emperor's new clothes, methinks. Now that Stella no longer has the
talented Phoebe Philo as her assistant, she's displaying some of her late
mum's fashion sense."
· Stella McCartney: "Vintage pucci store in nolita, sunday about 3pm. Questioned it at first but the english accent confirmed it. She wore a pink sweater falling off her shoulder and a kick-ass pair of high heels. Her pants were a problem though—-she looked kind of 'assless' (isn't chloe known for pants?) She high-toed it out of Pucci with 3 or 4 bags."
· 4/26, midnight, Joe Allen's—Brittany Murphy looking very, very pretty (but wearing an incredibly ugly hat), at a table including the latest young actor she's been linked to —not Ashton Kutcher, but no one in my party could
remember his name. Also Robert Sean Leonard and Mare Winningham (!)—he was congratulated by some folks at the bar, deservedly so, for his performance in that night's first preview of "The Iceman Cometh"—but a 4 hour and 10 minute running time—yikes—but Philip Seymour Hoffman was so amazing that I suppose it was worth it—we were starving and badly needed a drink by the time it was over."
v· "1pm, 57th and 5th Ave: Joe Namath, looking like he just stepped out of a tanning bed, or off the surface of the sun. I mean, his skin was darker than the brown suit he was wearing. Even after all these years, Joe is still the most fashionable QB that has ever played"
· "Saw Scott Speedman (looking HOT)10:30 Saturday night on Ludlow and Stanton. I noticed his clothes first - nothing flashy, but his jeans, white button-down and black jacket definitely did it for me!"
· Multiple Bjorks: "My boyfriend just called on his cell phone to report that he's walking behind Bjork and her baby (and nanny) on Spring St. right now. He said she stopped to look in the Prada window, and then was approached, greeted and kissed on the cheek by a tall, baldish man before continuing on with baby and nanny, sans man. He said the baby is very cute." "Early afternoon on Mercer and Prince, a makeup-free Bjork with adorable son in stroller. She wasn't wearing sunglasses either."
· "John Waters on Sunday at 3.15 screening of Lilya 4 ever at cinema village east"
· "sunday 4/27: walked by lauren hutton in the lower east side (at rivington & chrystie) debating with another woman if they should take a cab or not. she looked pretty good, i guess — but overly tan & much shorter than expected."
· "4/26 Randy Harrison (Justin from "Queer as Folk" on Showtime), dancing at Meow Mix. Love the shag haircut darling, but you need
a trim"
· "Took a stroll through Old Navy. Saw the cutest little barefoot kid in a stroller and smiled all stupid-like, as one would do when looking at a baby. Baby's mom, who looked kind of familiar, gave me an odd look — like "why are you staring at my baby?" Replaying the scene on my inner-TiVo a few minutes later, I realized mom was Ana Gasteyer. Add a minor celebrity sighting to the day's list of events. Which, come to think of it, makes two for the weekend. Cruised this really cute salt-and-pepper haired guy on 8th
ave Friday evening and realized, after passing him, that it was Campbell
. Yum."
· "6/26 Saw Maggie Gyllenhaal with friend at a 9:55 showing of XX/XY at Sunshine. I had to hold back my pal Lisa from jumping on Maggie's face, and, if her hot brother had been there, Lisa would have had to do the same to me."
· "Ally Sheedy hangs out at the Parlour on W. 86th and
Broadway, particaulrly on Tuesdays."
· "I saw Julianne Moore Sat night at 7:30 crossing 6th Ave, at 11th st, with her 2 kids and what looks like her parents. She had no makeup on and looked quite pale."
· "Maggie Gyllenhaal, walking north on Hudson near the Wild Horse Saloon, Sunday 12:30am. Talking on her cell phone and wearing a brown sweater. Contrary to a previous posting, she is NOT the tallest girl alive (she is 5'8", max), but does have a funky, Williamsburg-esque haircut. No more good ones this weekend. Last week was better: Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson, Matthew Modine (in yoga class) and Philip Seymour Hoffmann."
· "12.30 pm, Sunday. I saw Genevieve, one of the interior decorators from Trading Spaces, having brunch in the garden at Home (on Cornelia Street, in the W. Village) with a male dining companion. She looks shorter and thinner in person than she does on the show. The funny part is that seeing her in my hood was a vindication of sorts. I'm a a Trading Spaces junkie, and a while back, Genevieve did an Asian inspired room that had a lot of details in it that, I was sure, were stolen from Do Hwa, the Korean restaurant
(partially owned by Quentin Tarantino), which is on Carmine St. Now that I have confirmation that she at least hangs out around here (and may live close by), I'm pretty sure I was right about the room."