· "4/23/03 6:15 p.m. Downtown N/R platform. The girl from Le Tigre. Not Kathleen Hanna, but the one who looks like a dude. She's shorter than I imagined."
· "1. Tuesday a very old looking Danny Glover in Barnes & Noble on East 86 Street. 2. Last night Winona Ryder by Thompkin's Square Park around 1 AM with three other people. 3. Molly Ringwald and Elizabeth Ashley walking on 44th Street by Broadway together. 4. Ethan Hawke by the Virgin Mega Store on Wednesday in Union Square"
· "The Carlson Twins, straight boy darlings of Abercrombie & Fitch, waltzing into Lotus last night to host (cough) last night's Out Magazine party. They quickly strutted in, posed for some photos and never were seen again. They are much shorter than you would them to be, though they had great skin! Practically every guy in the joint was wiping saliva from his lips. Word has it Madonna was supposed to show up too, but alas she wasn't in the hiz-ouse."

· "Elizabeth Spiers in front of Pronto Pizza on 42nd and 6th, wearing green boots and some sort of scarf arrangment, talking on her cell phone, no doubt getting the latest Anna spotings from one of her moles inside the Conde Nast building down the block." [Ed. notewasn't me. How can anyone wear green boots and expect to be taken seriously?]
· "maybe this is old news, but there was a shitload of stars at the white stripes/loretta lynn show at hammerstein ballroom the other night: the
ubiquitous starfucker winona ryder, with a gaggle of hideously attired, shrew-like women in her orbit, as well as a hotpants-clad nicole kidman (with q-tip perhaps?), rubbing up against a column... plus jim jarmusch, a perenially smug debbie harry, and others, all sitting in the VIP balconies staring with bored, haughty disdain down at the cramped minions on the floor, most of whom were young, stoned and idiotic, and who paid $35 a ticket while all the VIPs probably paid zilch and STILL looked bored as hell. PS most of the inbred kids in the audience didn't know who loretta lynn was..."
· "Saw Chris Noth walking along West 54th Street past Studio 54, looking harrassed but handsome! Fine set of broad shoulders..."
· "down at pianos last night, i spotted Gabe from the band Midtown (You might remember him from his little fling or whatever it was with Rachel from Real World NYC and also his band's doing the theme song from the battle of the sexes) He was with a very tall model blonde, and a person in our group identified her as Leah Cary, exgirlfriend of both James Iha and Mike the old bassist from Weezer. Guess she likes the rockstars."