Nerve helpfully explains to the boors and downtrodden why their personal ads don't work with a handy little quiz that points out what they're doing wrong: "[Question Number] 9. Last great book read.
If you have read this book in its entirety: +2
If this is actually the "last" (i.e., most recent), "great" (i.e., not just "high in the spectrum of mediocrity") book you read (i.e., not just a list of Pynchon and Nabokov novels you got off on in college): +10
If you listed A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius: -10
If you listed A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, deleted it for fear of being judged unkindly, then relisted it: +5"
Quiz: your dry spell explained! [Nerve]