· Speculation about which antagonist will be invited to the White House Correspondent's Dinner on April 26th: Matt Drudge reports that several media outlets are considering documentarian Michael Moore, most recently famous for his anti-Bush tirade during the Oscars. [Page Six]
· President Bush's favorite painting of himself was done by a former gay porn star. [Page Six]
· FHM's 50 Most Eligible Bachelorettes include Lauren Bush (1), Pia Getty (6), the Hilton sisters (19), Charlotte Ronson (23), and J-Lo's sister (41). [Page Six]
· One of actress Melanie Griffith's most prized possessions is a bronze replica of husband Antonio Banderas's phallus that she keeps in their bedroom. [Page Six]
· Yoko Ono on John Lennon: "He would never say: 'Let's go dancing,' It's kind of a woman thing, I guess." [NY Daily News]