A reader on Razorfish* CEO Jeff Dachis: "I saw something about Razorfish on Friday and, curiosity sparked, decided to Google 'Jeff Dachis.' One of the hits that came back was a bad, indy horror flick from the early 90s, called There's Nothing Out There. Jeff Dachis plays the guy who says, 'Awww, there's nothing out there!', and subsequently walks off into the woods to be slaughtered. Unfortunately for the net worth of countless late-90s tech investors, his early-90s death at the hands of an alien space-monster was entirely fictional.

Which event is less likely?
1) Death in Westchester County at the hands of an alien space monster.
2) Thousands of people give you billions of dollars so that you (and your closest 1000 friends) don't have to go out and get real jobs for a few years.
I'd have to go with number 2.

Here are two links, one with Jeff as horror film "expendable" and the other with Jeff as dotcom CEO "expendable".
* For those of you with very short memories, Razorfish was a high-flying Silicon Alley web-development shop that, at one point, had a $3.6 billion market cap.