Ted Kruckel
New York celebrity party planner Ted Kruckel chronicles, in excruciating detail, his descent into insolvency in this week's NY Mag. His plan now? A reality show. "PR, just like ER but different...Each week, the clever and attractive team throws a fabulous party and grapples with a new, hair-raising crisis. This week, the bottles of perfume don t arrive in time for the fancy launch partywhat will they do? Next week: Anthrax Alert! An erroneous report causes hundreds of freshly tissued, ribboned, labeled, messengered gift bags to be rudely turned away at their destinations. Worse still, as the bags sludge back in, now all slightly but irreparably creased, the interns revolt and refuse to redo them."
When the party's over, (for the party planner) [NY Mag]