Elizabeth Spiers is the Editor of Gawker.com, a Manhattan weblog magazine designed by Jason Kottke, and published by Nick Denton. Current obsessions/topics of interest include but are not limited to, urban dating rituals, Cond Nastiness, celebutantes, Hamptons gauche, real estate porn, ironic hipster couture, fantasy skyscrapers, downwardly mobile i-bankers, Eurotrash infestations, loathesome literati, no-ropes social climbing, pomp, circumstance, and other matters of serious import. Gawker was named to Entertainment Weekly's 2003 "IT list", one of Time magazine's "Top 50 Websites" for 2003, a "Best Media Blog" (2003) by Forbes, and a "Best of Breed" online news site by the New York New Media Association. Spiers is also a freelance journalist and has written for Salon.com, Radar magazine, Black Book magazine, The Face, The New York Times, and Page Six. Prior to Gawker, Spiers was a buy-side financial analyst focusing on small cap tech equities and early stage venture capital. Spiers earned a BA in Political Science and Public Policy from Duke University.