· Billy Crystal to Jimmy Fallon: "I've thrown up Scotch older than you."
· Lizzie Grubman on her yet-to-be-opened bakery: "Working out and baking were two things that were like therapy. Before I went to jail, it stayed very close to my heart."
· Michael Clark Duncan on his boxers: "Right now, I'm wearing ones that are black with a big, yellow smiley face down there!"
· Julianna Margulies' solution to the Al-Qaeda problem: "Don't you think it's time we all just lived in peace? I would tell them to all take a yoga class."
· Good Housekeeping Editor-in-Chief Ellen Levine on her blazing orange blouse: "Orange is news, and I'm not going to let them take this color away from me."
· [Ed. noteThat's odd; Zac Poseur Posen was at Project Alabama and I somehow failed to notice the stench of overhyped fashion whore.]
The Transom [Observer]