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· The Grammy party madness starts Thursday with Rock the Vote's party at Armani Exchange. [Page Six]
· Harvey Keitel shoves aside a fashionista who asks why he's attending the Imitation of Christ show for which his daughter is modeling. [Page Six]
· The L.A. District Attorney says Roman Polanski will be arrested if he tries to attend the Academy Awards next month. [Page Six]
· Heidi Klum, Eve, Jennifer Aniston and Bill Clinton have developed an affinity for Ciroc, the new starchless vodka distilled from French grapes. [Page Six]
· Cindy Adams goes nuts on the The French. [Cindy Adams]
· 25-year-old singer Michael Buble on his private showcase tonight at the China Club: "People are invited to drink,... So I'm going to sound really good." [NY Daily News]
· Tina Brown threatens to keep her dinner party guests from leaving by sealing the exits with duct tape. Drag performer Joey Arias' body piercings set off metal detectors at the French Consulate's screening of Ruben Toledo's film, Fashionation. Quincy Jones' daughter Kidada orders bottles of leather cleansers and moisturizers from Coach, then calls and complains that they're "much too oily." She thought Coach had started a beauty line and had been applying the cleansers and moisturizers to her face. [Intelligencer]