LookOnline outs Michael Gross's blind item from yesterday as being Nadine Johnson, fashion flak and wife (or soon-to-be ex) of Page Six columnist Richard Johnson. Writes LookOnline, "Michael Gross stature as a great writer for him to stoop to the level of say hintmag's gossip monger Horacio Silva is very sad." Incidentally, sitting on my desk is an invite to the Project Alabama show on Friday. The return address reads "Nadine Johnson."

Is Michael really avenging a past slight? Will Horacio and Ben write a snarky item about Look when they update "Chic Happens" next year? Will I kick myself on Friday for not having thought of sewing grandma's quilts onto t-shirts and retailing them for $400 a pop, because they're vintage Alabama, "just like me"? Will Gawker sell out? Stay tuned for the next episode of "Flak vs. Hack."

Update: The Chic Happens boys really are running a Fashion Week ticker tape. They asked Gross what he had against Nadine, and he replied, "I never comment on my blindies..."
Michael Gross column's blind item a new low [LookOnline]