Gawker gets the Michael Gross treatment, in a item dubbed Fashion Tweak.

Tuesday night, while the fashion flock sit like black crows on a wire in the front row of the fall designer shows, their latest nemeses will be celebrating the launch of a Web site that regularly makes a meal of their bony carcasses.
Yo, Drudge! Everyone who is anyone in chic Manhattan is reading — or should be. It's run by Elizabeth Spiers, a former equity analyst for venture capitalists and hedge funds, and Nick Denton, who covered technology for England's Financial Times before he caught the dot-com bug. Gawker offers links to all the hottest gossip and shallowest chatter around (including The Word), as well as daily digests of the best talk in town.
There's also the odd piece of original reporting, such as Spiers' recent effort, asking Wall Street wonders how to find the perfect cocaine dealer. What's the point? "To say what other people can't," says Spiers. "That's the fun of it."
Fashion Tweak [New York Daily News]