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· Christopher Hitchens on the possibility that Al Gore or NY Senator Hillary Clinton might run for President: "I just hope they all get some sort of wasting disease before they can run." [Page Six]
· D.A. Pennebaker is doing a documentary on Al Sharpton. [Page Six]
· Lucy Sykes is pregnant. [Page Six]
· Billy Bush (the President's cousin and an "Access Hollywood" correspondent) was buzzed, stoned and dancing with six girls at once at Guastavino's Sunday night. Said one model, "Isn't that the guy from 'Access Hollywood'?...What a dork!" [Page Six]
· WSJ executive Karen Elliot House brags that she can get coverage for Personal Journal from Charlie Rose because she used to date him. Husband and Dow Jones Chief Peter Kann fires back, "Oh yeah. I dated her at the same time, but I won out." [Page Six]
· Greek socialite Taki Theodoracopulos's greeting to familiar faces at Swifty's: "Darling, here I amthe only heterosexual in this joint!" [Liz Smith]
· Elizabeth Taylor's response when asked what she was doing at Liza Minnelli's wedding: "I really have no idea!" [Liz Smith]
· Richard Gere at a fundraiser at Cipriani for fighting AIDS in Africa: "I'm sorry, Sen. [Hillary] Clinton, but your husband did nothing about AIDS for eight years." [NY Daily News]