· Craig Newmark of Craig's List was spotted in the Target on Hesperian Boulevard yesterday and mobbed by rabid fans, one of whom accidentally whacked him over the head with a new Acer tablet PC. The tablet PC was unharmed.
· Berkeley voters, in an effort to make local government more demographically representative of their resident constituencies, elect three homeless alcoholics and two heroin dealers to the City Council.
· A group of angry fifth-year City College of San Francisco studentsall members of PETAreportedly arrived at the San Francisco zoo yesterday armed with buckets of red paint. They had apparently been told that the South American Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) "had a fur coat," and refused to leave until a zookeeper explained that the fur was "organically grown."
· Musto-esque blind item: Which Sand Hill Road company's VP of technology recently switched to a gay Everquest guild?