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· Former Miss Hungary (and Italian porn superstar), Eva Henger, who played a prostitute in "Gangs of New York," admires Daniel-Day Lewis's willingness to sacrifice his nose for a good performance. She "would have cried." [Page Six]
· The always charming Mickey Rourke threatened Vanity Fair writer Steve Garbarino with a "major ass-kicking" if he said anything that "disrepected" the "club" in his February piece on the Hell's Angels. "Club,"not "gang," mind you. [Page Six]
· Cindy Adams rants about cell phones, movies that are too long, Atkins, kids seeing lesbians and gays before bedtime, and The Dentist. [Cindy Adams]
· Vincent Roppatte of the Elizabeth Arden Salon in Saks is coming out with a book for teens called Cool Hair: A Teenager's Guide to the Best Beauty Secrets of Hair, Makeup and Style. The book tells teens that experimenting with blue hair is preferable to drugs and early sex. Teens beg to differ. [Liz Smith]
· Sam Mendes is hosting an Actor's Fund screening of Road to Perdition at the 74th and 2nd UA theater. [Liz Smith]
· Sean Penn finally realizes that Saddam Hussein used him as a propaganda tool; Mottola replacement Andy Lack was reportedly brought in to play hatchet man, beginning with the salary for his own position$8 million less than what Mottola made; and Winona Ryder has opted for designing clothes rather than shoplifting them. [NY Daily News]