· Best Dis to Fling at a Fashionista: "That outfit is so September 10th." (John Waters)
· A Reader's Well-Reasoned Assessment of Jimmy Fallon: "As long as I've got a face, he's got a place to sit."
· On Michael Jackson's Fascinating Paternal Behavior: "Shouldn't these kids be instantly snatched away and given to someone normal, like Liza Minnelli?"
· Weirdest Gimmick: Broadway musicals and movies "ending with a quick, out-of-nowhere same-sex coupling, usually for the giddy, shticky curtain call...it's generally a way of saying, 'We're so cool but not cool enough to actually incorporate anything substantially gay into the main plot.'"
· TONY Awards Tragedy: "Urinetown lost for Best Musical, despite winning score, book, and director, mainly because a lot of the stodgy voters felt, 'I couldn't get past the title.' They're so full of shit."
The world's best worst and filthiest celebrities [Village Voice]