· Authors Robert Creeley, Michael Chabon, Richard Ford, and Charles Johnson are all part of the State Department's new Charlotte Beers-designed rah-rah-America campaign. [Page Six]
· Tina Brown invites both Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky to her send-off for Bill Bratton. [Page Six]
· Creepy "magician" David Blaine is working out at the Duomo gym on East 26th and taping the sessions for later use in a documentary. [Page Six]
· Cardinal Egan tells Mary Higgins Clark that 2002 has been "the worst year of [his] life." [Page Six]
· Celeb overseas ad sites (i.e., Leo DiCaprio hawking Suzuki's Wagon-R: "Go, Wagon-R! Don't give up, my little friend!") threatened with lawsuits; mobbed-up New York ex-club kingpin Chris Paciello's life will be chronicled in a movie directed by Kimberly Peirce; and Pamela Anderson is teaching Sunday School. [NY Daily News