The Brat Pack: Will Work For Basic Cable

As if having an almost constant stream of programming dedicated to yapping about the 80's weren't enough, now VH1 is developing a scripted series about the Brat Pack. You know, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Rob Lowe, et al. [Ed.note to Gen.Y—Think of the Brat Pack as the Mickey Mouse Club that spawned Britney, Christina, and Justin, but with more cocaine, more sex with underage girls, more sex with hookers, and more age-inappropriate relationships. But don't worry, your generation will eventually catch up and make you proud.] Casting should be a breeze—many of the Pack are still available at very affordable prices, and are probably willing to spring for the facelifts themselves. But if they get the original Packers, VH1 should definitely institute a BYOB—Bring Your Own Blow—policy, or they're looking at severe budgetary overruns.